Thursday, June 2, 2016

12 Premium Acrylic Paints by Boxum

After much consideration we decided to get our four year old his own set of acrylic paints. He loves to create art, and usually uses my paints but he is so responsible when coloring that we decided it would be nice to gift him his own. This Boxum set of 12 Premium Acrylic Paint Colors is a great starter kit. It has 12, 12 x 12 milliliters tubes of paint. While acrylic can be use in various surfaces, we use it on paper, and on canvas. It is non toxic, and that is one of the reasons why we bought it for our son.

The pigmentation of this set is rich, vibrant, and looks beautiful on any surface. The paint as any acrylic paint has a somewhat strong smell, thats why we add a bit of each tube to a plate, and keep the tubes closed. The smell becomes less as its expose to the air. We are happy with this set of paint, its quality is great, and our little Picasso loves it.

Disclosure: I received this item at a deducted price in exchange for my sincere, and impartial testing, and assessment. My opinion is always based on mine, and my family’s experiences with the product. I have no relationship with the seller, and there were no promises regarding the outcome of my review.


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